Sunday, January 30, 2011
Themed Birthdays for Adults and Kids

Friday, January 28, 2011
Child Play

To that I would have to respond with "not so fast!".
You see, though I am of an age where most of my peers are suffering from (or enjoying) an empty nest, mine has never been fuller. To understand this statement one must only observe the goings on at my house on any given weekday when any combinations of 5 grandchildren – all under the age of 5 - attend “Nana’s Day School”. This puts me very much into the ‘know’ on potty training, car seats, and toddler tantrums to name just a few issues. Although it can become quite a circus at times, this situation also affords me the luxury of a ‘do-over’ when it comes to raising a brood. The value of sticky hugs and kisses as well as tender ‘I love you’s’ cannot begin to be measured and since I am also the God-mother to each one of these precious babies, I can pass on my Faith, which has become more mature and rounded…at least I would hope.
There is also an endless supply of comedy, to which my Facebook friends can attest. For this posting I thought I might share a few tidbits that have just transpired in the past couple of days.
‘Nana, will you color with us?’, spoken by my 2 two-year-old kiddies, Simon and Sarah. ‘And can we lay on the floor with our crayons and coloring books?’
I was in a benevolent mood and decided to humor them so we lay down on our bellies and colored for a few minutes. Sarah soon became bored and decided to sit on my back. As she observed Simon’s coloring from her perch she went on to try something new…sliding down my back. I instantly became the Nana Bouncy Slide and the fun began.
‘Simon, Nana is a Bouncy Slide, do you wanna join me?’, said Sarah.
Of course the obvious answer was ‘yes’ and so the next 20 or so minutes involved me alternately receiving a very punishing workout and a massage from knees, elbows, and feet...I just continued to color. Gotta love those babies!
We have also set up our 3rd bedroom with a play kitchen complete with plastic appliances, table and stools and even a shopping cart full of wooden ‘food’ items and plastic cookware. Sarah and Simon have developed quite the ‘marriage’ and sound just like an old couple that has been together a bit too long.
‘Simon, you are my best boy. I love you!’, says Sarah. ‘What would you like for ‘dinnow’?’
‘Pork chops’, replies Simon as he ‘repairs’ her rocking horse with his plastic tool set.
Only five minutes later, if that, I hear, ‘Simon, I don’t love you at all!”
Guess the honeymoon is over ;-)
It is such a blessing to have so much contact with my babies. You never quite realize, when you are raising your own, how fleeting that time in your life will be. As you are immersed in dirty diapers, cooking, cleaning, and the other endless tasks that take your children from infancy to the ‘meet yourself coming and going’ rush of sports and high school, most parents don’t have time to think that
Now I find that I have been blessed once more. I have a second chance at playing the role of stay-at-home-mom. This is a role that I was blessed to experience the first time and the repeat is equally grand (albeit a bit different). Being a Nana, just like being a Momma, is something that no one can quite prepare you for but it is what I have always had a strong calling to do. Do I get tired? Absolutely! Do I crave days to myself and a less hectic lifestyle? You betcha! But when it’s all said and done, I wouldn't have it any other way! I LOVE my babies – both grown and young!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Snow contemplation

-Anne Frank
Monday, January 17, 2011
Creative with Photos: Personalized Coloring

- Computer/copier paper
- 1 - foam sheet or other material for creating your front and back covers
- Single hole punch
- Hole reinforcements (I used clear)
- Decorative stickers or other embellishments for the front of your coloring book
- Sharpie permanent marker for the dedication on the back cover
- 1 - 1" binder ring (I used nickel plated) to assemble coloring book yet allow the child to easily access individual pictures for coloring or painting.
- Using MS Word or another word processing program, place two photos on each page using portrait orientation. NOTE: one photo (the bottom) will be upside-down at this stage
- Print out all of your pages
- Fold each page in half
- Using a hole punch, punch one hole at the top left corner of each page making sure all holes line up from page to page.
- Stick hole reinforcer around holes - this keeps pages from being pulled out of your album by the paper tearing
- Cut 8 1/2 x 11 foam sheet (or other cover material) in half and punch holes in both pieces at the top left, making sure they line up with your pages
- Using your binder ring assemble the photo coloring book in the preferred order
- Decorate both the front and the back to further personalize your gift.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
On Gardening and Hope...

Friday, January 14, 2011
Creative Money
- Ease into this while you still have Dish and before long you be viewing most/all of your regular programs as well as some you didn't even know existed.
- Go to www.hulu.com and sign up for a FREE account.
- Browse around for the shows you watch now and for classics you have forgotten.
- Set up a queue of these programs and subscribe to the ones you want to added automatically...they even email when they've added programs to your queue.
- Hook your laptop up to your regular television (I use an HDMI cable which provides HD video and sound). Set your Windows mobility settings (Control Panel) to share (mirror) your display and to 'presentation'.
- Viola! You now have HD television at no charge. My surround system works fine too!
- Lie to Me
- Mentalist
- Medium (Hulu actually sends you to the official CBS site for this one)
- House (although I stopped watching this when they dissed Catholics more and more often).
- Burn Notice
- Dog Whisperer
- The Practice
- Lifetime Movies
- Glee
- Gray's Anatomy
- Family Guy
- Dancing with the Stars
- and many more
- Mr. Ed - yes, the talking horse ;-)
- Madeline - what little girl wouldn't love this one?
- Woody the Woodpecker and Chili Willie
- Casper the Friendly Ghost
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sound bites - Sight bites?

Musings: Creativity in Word

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
OK, so I cheated...this photo is from last year but I did take it. Today's snow just isn't as pretty as that one was and besides, I didn't want to go out in the cold! This is my effort at becoming a bit more comfortable with blogging in general. I've kept journals in the past (like during chemotherapy for breast cancer) but these musings have always been a private way for me to vent.
Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm stuck in auto-pilot right now. There are all of these projects I'd like to get done but I either can't muster the time or the resolve to make them happen. Some are creative - I'd like to begin sewing again and the 16 place-mats I made before Christmas don't count. Some are spiritual - I'm feeling the stirrings of my soul and its thirst for more knowledge but I'm procrastinating about which Bible to pick up and read. Should I go for the Douay-Rheims, the NAB or the RSV (Catholic Edition). Of course, according to Fr. Corapi the best Bible is the one you will open and read ;-) I'd also like to dig deeper into photography and graphic design but am suffering from a creativity block. My life is so full and sometimes I feel like I'm just being swept away with all of the action. Health scares, financial woes, and family drama. All in all, though, I'm very aware of how blessed I am. Today is the beginning of going out and recovering who I am...not simply someone's wife, mother, Nana, or friend but just me...creative, full of life and love, and always striving to serve God.