Friday, April 29, 2016

This Too Shall Pass

When the world crowds in around you and you feel the weight of a thousand stones on your chest. Give it to God and know, this too shall pass.

When your heart feels as if it will be broken into a million pieces, and those you love are unkind to you. Give it to God and know, this too shall pass.

When illness rears its ugly head and your life feels threatened and the unknown is more frightening than the reality you eventually find. Give it to God and know, this too shall pass.

When your nerves jangle with a thousand nails across a chalkboard and you want to run screaming into the sunset. Give it to God and know, this too shall pass.

When your children are young and a thousand sloppy kisses smother your face and you glow with love. Remember, they were given to you by God, and this too shall pass.

When your love is fresh and new and your heart feels like it will burst with it all. Remember, it’s a gift from God and it will continue to grow until you pass from this life to the next. This life, too, shall pass.

When all is right with the world – birds chirping in the springtime dew, flowers inquisitively poking fresh new blooms through the brown, rich earth. Cherish the moment. It too will pass.

When you are surrounded by generations of love. Cling tight to the riches with which you are endowed. Know that God is there but this life, too, will pass.

All that we have, all that we are given, all that we feel, all that we do, see, hear, feel, and touch. This, too shall pass. But what awaits us in Eternity – that will never pass. Know that God is at your side. He loves you enough to give you all that you have and only asks your love in return. Give it to God and pass Eternity with Him. Eternity is forever.

(Time Up)


Here we are again, joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday #fmf  - a fun way to participate in timed free writing with other bloggers.

Today's #fmf prompt is 'pass'. Follow the link to check out some truly inspirational entries.

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