Friday, April 8, 2016

What Makes Us Whole? #fmf

Whole: the sum of all parts of something.

What makes you feel whole?

I feel whole when I’ve been to confession, maintained my prayer life, and receive the Eucharist.

I feel whole when I’m surrounded by those I love. Holidays or any days, it doesn’t matter. Put me in connection with family and friends and I feel complete – whole.

At other times I feel whole when I’m off by myself. Nature, budding blossoms, chartreuse leaves – the ones you see in early spring. Their newness painfully beautiful. Unblemished. Grass, lush and green. Unmarred by the presence of the weeds that will come later. Shining in their newness like the glowing skin of an infant. So perfect it makes your heart sing. So precious, new, unblemished, and pure.

Later things won’t be as new. Yet you can still feel whole. Because the entire experience of life – from birth to natural death makes up the whole of our earthly existence outside the womb of our mother.

Whole, having family to call your own. Husband, wife, children. Generations blending together – the continuous cycle of life. God made them. Male and female He made them. And they proclaim their wonder at His creation.


This is my second week of joining the dedicated, fun writers participating in the Five Minute Friday challenge - FMF writers at Kate Motaung's blog. What a fun way to challenge your writing!

This week's writing prompt was WHOLE #amwriting #fmf

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