Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sanctity of LIFE Sunday - LIFE as Gift

James 1:17 tells us,
"Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration."
Who, then, is mere mortal man to reject what the Creator has given?  As the Author of Life, only He has the power to give life and the right to call one of His creatures Home. In our confused, secular world we see the cheapening of the miracle of Life. A child is viewed as optional, an inconvenience to some and a 'right' to others. During the season of Advent, let us refocus on our dependence on God, our profound gratitude for our very lives, and unconditional love of others!

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As always, feel free to share any of my pro-life posters. Many of them can be found on the Designs by Birgit fan page on Facebook.
In His Name for Life,   Birgit J

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