Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pope Francis Wants a Mess? Let's Stir Up Some Pro-life Passion

It's no secret, I view the world through pro-life glasses. Right after my main focus as a Catholic wife and mother, being a pro-life advocate is my calling. Recently Pope Francis was quoted as telling the attendees at World Youth Day to 'make a mess' and 'take the Church to the streets'. Of course, my instant reaction was to find a way to inspire and encourage pro-life advocates to become foot soldiers for Life. The Holy Father has a valid point when he urges us not to remain cloistered in our own little vacuum. We need to get out and act - as the Church Militant that we are. Although it's virtuous to pray for the unborn and aged, it's even better to put those prayers into action.

Did you know that there will be another 40 Days for Life held, from September 25 - November 3? During the 40 days of the event, the faithful go to Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills, to hold a peaceful prayer vigil - 24/7. To date, there are 306 cities, from coast to coast, signed up. The effort from last year saw at least 608 babies saved from abortion! What a wonderful way to be pro-life, a couple hours at a time one baby at a time.

If it isn't possible for you to pray in front of an abortion mill, there are plenty of other ways to become involved. Check out the vast array of pro-life memes I have created for use by churches, friends, and fans. One Facebook acquaintance, Kathy, developed an amazing plan last year. During the 40 days for Life event, she received permission to place a tri-fold Pro-Life Display Board at the back of ten parishes in her diocese. Using Designs by Birgit pro-life memes, by having them blown up to poster size, she created a visual reminder for the parishioners to pray, fast, and act on behalf of our littlest brothers and sisters. I received a call from her again, yesterday, and she is going to being doing this again - for a second year! 

After speaking with Kathy, she in turn, inspired me into action. First there was a meeting with our Gospel of Life chairman; as a member, I laid out this plan of action as something I'd like to pursue. Then I decided to put together an instructional 'kit', listing materials and attaching meme files, so that other parishes will have a quick 'how to' guide for their own pro-life display. Stay tuned as I work on the details and then I will share the specifics here. Hopefully, I will receive the blessing of the diocese and can then begin urging local parishes to join in.

Pope Francis Wants a Mess? Let's Stir Up Some Pro-life Passion!

Stir Up Pro-Life Passion

  • UPDATE: 40 Days for Life: Help Your Parish Become a Prayer Partner everything you need to encourage pro-life activity in your church, school or organization.
  • 40 Days for Life Prayer Partners - join your prayers with many others by committing to a decade of the Rosary throughout the 40 Days campaign.
  • Pray the Rosary for the unborn - ask others to join you.
  • Have a Mass said for the Unborn, mothers, and fathers.
  • Find a struggling mom and give her a hand: baby sitting, diapers, food, money.
  • Volunteer at a Pregnancy Care Center.
  • Attend a 40 Days for Life event - pray in front of a Planned Parenthood: they all refer for abortion, even if they don't do them on site.
  • Ask your parish to support a pro-life display.
  • Ask your pastor to allow a fund raiser for a local Pregnancy Care Center.
  • Volunteer for Opportunities for Life - a pregnancy support hotline 24-7.
  • Speak to a youth group about the stages of development of unborn children.
What are your ideas? Will you share them with us? 

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