Monday, August 1, 2016

Not Voting For Hillary (or Trump): A Moral Dilemma

Last week I wrote an article for Catholic Stand Entitled 10 Reasons I Can Not Vote for Trump (or Hillary). In the ensuing days I've been called a few names, told I don't know my faith, and have been accused of shilling for Hillary Clinton. It has also been stated, in no uncertain terms, that all of my research of sources from various positions - mainstream media, pro-life sites, Catholic voters guides, and actual video footage - is based on hearsay and devious editing.

My opinion of Mr. Trump was formed long before he became one of many Republican candidates and rebirthed himself from his lifelong pro-abortion, Democrat views. Yet the accusations (against me) and the defensive measures (for Trump) continue.

Yes, I weighed the (supposed) consequences. I just don't believe Trump when his newly minted persona says he will appoint pro-life justices (after he just said his pro-choice sister would be an excellent addition to SCOTUS).

Yes, I know that the various moral choices Catholics have include voting for 'one who will do less harm'. Yet, still, here I am exercising one of those moral choices presented by the Church, reached with much soul searching, prayer, and a fully formed conscience. I don't expect to change the minds of the blindly supportive Trump supporters (just as I doubt they can change mine). What I am attempting to do is to give some solace to those who, like me, get a greasy, queasy feeling when thinking of all that a Trump presidency could very well entail.

Here, then, are my ten reasons for not voting for candidate Trump (or Hillary). For the details, refer to the Catholic Stand column.

  1. Trump is a Political Chameleon 
  2. The Lessor of Two Evils (Or the one who would do less harm) Isn’t a Valid Reason 
  3. He’s a Loose Cannon 
  4. Having Abortion Exceptions Makes Him Pro-Choice 
  5. Trump Is In It for Himself 
  6. I Am Only Accountable for My Own Vote 
  7. No, Refraining from a Trump Vote is Not a Vote for Hillary 
  8. He’s a Democrat in Republican Clothing 
  9. One Presidency Cannot Repair the Damage That Took Decades to Create 
The only Savior this world has ever seen – or will ever see – is Jesus Christ. The faulty thinking that seeks to justify a vote for Trump is impossible to realize in real life. The litany of problems faced by our nation – healthcare, terrorism, financial ruin, loss of religious liberty, commercialization of women and sale of unborn baby parts – will take decades of righteous leadership to undo. Donald Trump is not the person to begin the pilgrimage down that path.

Even if a moral champion was elected, years of Congressional failure would have to be addressed as well. Instead of placing all of our hopes in one candidate, we should address the moral failure of all representatives. Accepting empty speeches and backtracking leaders has been the norm far too long. Every vote should be carefully discerned by moral standards. Hold the feet of our representatives – from dog catcher to president – to the fire of righteous judgment. Isn’t it time to aspire to be led by those who lead us to salvation?

This would be a good to time ponder, “What would we get if Trump won?” Within the answer lies the source of my trepidation. Based on the facts garnered about candidate Trump there are certain conclusions to be drawn. What we get from a Trump presidency will not be like anything we have ever had before – because Trump is unlike any candidate we have ever had. His positions come from a position of power. Morals and ethics are not really given a seat at his table.

How terrible would it be to have the strongest pro-life/moral plank ever in the GOP platform and then have a president wh0 adhered to it even less than any previous one?


Editor Update 8-5-16:


"'You shall not murder' contains no exceptions. If there are exceptions made, there can be no equality. Which means there can be no justice. The premises for the rule of law, and any decent claim to liberty, are completely destroyed. What part of this do American Christian 'pro-lifers' fail to understand? The main obstacle to saving our country is not Planned Parenthood, or Obama, it is "conservatives" who don't seem to understand what it is that must be conserved if we are going to survive as a free, secure, prosperous people. I'm sorry if this message is offensive to some, but it's the truth. And it's a truth everyone needs to hear, and act upon in their politics, before it is too late for America and for our posterity."

-- Tom Hoefling


"...Darrell Castle, the Constitution Party nominee. His platform is straightforward: the Constitution must be upheld, ALL human life must be protected, the Federal Reserve must be abolished, and national sovereignty must be defended."

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