But what kind of motivation is that? Shouldn't our motives be more pure? Shouldn't we be seeking to serve without strings, instead of serving because of what we receive in return? Without measuring in numbers or accolades? That type of thought has been echoing in my consciousness lately. Yet pride kept me firmly attached. Today I finally gave in to the niggling doubts, the persistent murmurs and allowed my mind's eye to be open to unadulterated truth. I let go of an obligation I loved. Walked away from something to which I have been willingly tied for many months.
Yet my fear of feeling empty was purged and instead I walked away with a weight lifted from my shoulders. You see, I had taken this prideful attitude toward the task and allowed it to take precedence over those things which should have held more importance. Relief has washed over me and the negative entanglements that accompanied my persistence to hold on can, at long last, be cast aside.
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