Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hobby Lobby - Crafting Religious Freedom

As a group of crafty Catholic women, joining Pinterest was a no-brainer for many of the Catholic Sistas Ink Slingers. As an Art Major, former Catholic school art teacher, homeschool mother, and now homeschool Nana this was certainly true for me.  Therefore, this past Advent and Christmas season brought me to Hobby Lobby more times than I can count. They have always had my respect as a Christian- owned business that closes on Sundays  “the day most widely recognized as a day of rest, in order to allow our employees and customers more time for worship and family”. So what’s not to like?

ObamaCare Enters In

Conversely, Hobby Lobby  hardly seems like a name that would appear in the same sentence with the HHS Mandate – yet here we are. It appears that the insidious HHS Mandate has encroached even into the world of Christian, crafty, self-made entrepreneurs.  At first glance, ObamaCare appeared to be a virtuous idea to some, even as others struggled with the strangle hold it would have on every citizen in the nation. That topic alone would garner a several part series for another day. The portion of ObamaCare that is more easily isolated and agreed upon is the portentous HHS Mandate, which will force – as of January 1, 2013 - businesses, organizations, and institutions to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion inducing drugs to all of their employees – free of charge.

What about Freedom of Religion?

Read the rest of Hobby Lobby - Crafting Religious Freedom where it first appeared on Catholic Sistas.


  1. I posted about this too. Hobby Lobby is facing a daily fine of $1.3 million dollars if they do not comply. On a positive note, Domno's Farms has won their suit against the HHS Mandate. Still praying daily for the religious freedom of all Christian institutions and businesses!

    1. Yes, thank God that some plaintiffs are finding success. I pray that the continued united efforts of these Christian businesses and organizations will aid in the repeal of ObamaCare and the HHS Mandate.


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