March 14, 2006 marks the day I launched a Facebook page called Designs by Birgit. Although I also dabble in cooking, sewing, and gardening my main focus is winning hearts for the unborn. Since that day, I've created over 250 memes (posters) concerning the topic of abortion and the prolife cause.
There have been some measurable successes, such as the Pro-Life Display for Your Church - Approved for Diocesan Use - (created for 40-Days for Life and used in several different states), but for the most part I don't know how much advocacy I've inspired. That's okay! I know from Blessed Mother Teresa that God doesn't require us to succeed, He only requires that we try. So I'll keep prayerfully asking for inspiration and continue to share the products of my imagination, coupled with nudges from the Holy Spirit.
Human nature begs the question though. How are my efforts being received and how can I become more effective? This is where your input comes into play.
I know that prolife advocates come from many different life stories. Some of my friends have lost children though miscarriage or abortion. Some have not. I have friends who haven't quite healed and also those whose passion could be termed as off-putting to some. My personal approach has been toward the more gentle, positive side. The photos I use in my designs come mostly from my own work - using family as subjects. A few come from Facebook friends whose permission has been granted. I try my best to evoke thoughts of the humanity and beauty of our unborn brothers and sisters.
So what stirs you prolife heart?
Is it the quotes? The photos? The stories?
Do you seek only the positive side?
Or are you driven by righteous anger at the outrageous stories that show the inhumanity of those who profess to adhere to choice?
I've been a bit frustrated of late. The new Facebook analytics are doing quite the number on the Designs by Birgit fan page. If my work is only seen by 10% of my followers, how will the prolife message get out? In your charity, please consider 'liking' the Designs by Birgit page and encouraging your friends to do the same. Give a quick comment, share, and/or like when you see something that might inspire love and respect of the unborn.
In the mean time, I'm making an effort to 'brand' my work. Below is the logo I created this morning. Share your thoughts in the combox and share your suggestions with me. We're in this together and the babies are depending on us!