Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again.
Notice how this prayer uses the verb ‘is’? That’s because Jesus ‘is’ – He has no beginning and will have no end. Remember when in the Bible He says, “I AM” just as God the Father told Moses? What a profound statement that is!
When you are worried and feel all alone, be of good cheer, Jesus is here.
Upset confused, and feeling hopeless? Be of good cheer and put your trust in Him. Jesus is here.
Happy, elated, and full of the Spirit? Appreciate the grace you have been given. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are with you.
No matter what our human condition presents, we can always count on one thing – Jesus is here to comfort, teach, love, and cheer us on. He is here.
Even in the times when our feelings are low and our world is filled to the brim with darkness, Jesus is here to console us.
We may not see him with our eyes, hear Him with our ears, or even feel Him in our hearts – yet He is with us always, to Eternity.
What a revelation! If we prayerfully guide our minds to this fact, good cheer should follow. Even if recognizing this takes some effort on our part, we can count on Him.
And when our lives are going exceedingly well, we must be mindful that He is with us – not to be cast aside like some useful talisman.
All our being, all we are and have are His to give. If we are His people, we will be of good cheer, embrace His Gifts, and offer them back to Him and our neighbor in true love!
Here we are again, joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday #fmf - a fun way to participate in timed free writing with other bloggers.
Today's #fmf prompt is 'cheer'. Follow the link to check out some truly inspirational entries.