When we see that flurry of pink in the stores, and even on the football field, our overly commercialized brains have no trouble recognizing that it's October -
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Beginning with Susan G Komen - an innocuous enough sounding cause - that pink ribbon has become a beacon of hope for the victims of this deadly disease - and those who love them.
But hold on! Is that really all there is to it?
You might be shocked to know that sometimes all things pink are not created equally. What would you say if I told you that there is a sordid bond between Susan G Komen and one of the
causes of breast cancer?
Well, that's exactly what has been documented. You may or may not know that abortion has been proven to be a
cause of breast cancer. BTW, so is
The Pill! So you might ask yourself - what does this have to do with Susan G Komen? We know that this is a breast cancer advocacy organization - created by the friend of a Breast Cancer victim. Right?
As Paul Harvey would say - "Here's the rest of the story"!
The wildly successful Susan G Komen organization has some very troubling associations. The most troubling is Planned Parenthood - the nation's #1 provider of abortion!
Now hold on a minute!
Why would an organization that advocates "racing for the cure" be in cahoots with an organization that performs the very procedure that causes breast cancer? Good question. While I don't know the answer to that, I can tell you that although claimed otherwise, Planned Parenthood does not have the equipment to do
mammograms in even one of their facilities - nationwide!
This brings me to Taking Back the Pink. There is a real need for the victims of breast cancer to have all of the support they can muster. As a seven year survivor myself, I can certainly attest to that. The disease is frightening and some of those fears remain even after years of 'survival' - you're always a 'victim' in some ways. With the cost of medical services rising almost daily there is also a huge need for funding for those who bravely battle breast cancer. Research has come a long way since the first three known generations of breast cancer victims in my family died - way too young - from this disease. Yet, again, money is needed - for research.
So ask yourself - do you, in good conscience,
wish to donate to an organization (SGK) that dances with the devil?
I'd hope that your answer would be an irrevocable 'NO'. Even the
United States Catholic Conference of Bishops are taking a very public stand against donating to Komen. So what to do? You want to help, right? Well, I can point you in some morally acceptable directions.
Ethically Sound Breast Cancer Organizations:
There is one more solidly moral way to lend a hand - support a breast cancer victim directly. This way you know that your generosity is not being betrayed. One such cause can be found here:
Erika's Miracle Journey - Breast Cancer and Pregnant
Erika, a 28 year old wife and mother of a small son, was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. She was 20 weeks pregnant. While the local doctors told Erika that she would need to terminate her pregnancy there were other options out there. Contact was made with
MD Anderson Cancer Center and Erika found out that they had been successfully treating pregnant cancer patients for 20+ years. And so her journey began - from Kentucky to Houston, TX.
You can read the details of her journey by following her blog above but here is a brief timeline of her inspirational story to date:
Erika M Vandiver - Medical Timeline
Laughter is great medicine as this
"Turkey Belly illustrates |
- July 7, 2009 BRCA1 breast cancer at 20 weeks pregnant
- July 31, 2009 Chemo started
- Nov 26, 2009 Rachel born on Thanksgiving Day!
- Feb 19, 2010 Bilateral mastectomy
- Aug 31, 2010 Open oophorectomy
- Oct 2, 2010 Emergency hysterectomy
- Dec 8, 2010 - Started work again
- Feb 17, 2011 2nd stage reconstruction
- Oct 28, 2011 Reconstruction surgery to alleviate pain
Rachel, the Miracle Baby, wearing her matching cap made by Erika |
This next (and hopefully final) surgery is the 'last ditch effort' to alleviate the excruciating pain that Erika is dealing with on a daily basis. This pain has been with her for almost two years - she describes it as being worse than recovery from chemo, childbirth and surgery. Her family needs much in the way of prayer as well as financial assistance.
Since Erika is the sole financial provider of her family right now, the upcoming 8+ weeks that she will miss work will be devastating. Not to mention the ongoing medical costs as well as travel from Kentucky to Texas.
After much brainstorming the idea of a Facebook page dedicated to Erika's Miracle was developed. Here we ask for support for this Poster Woman of Breast Cancer Awareness and Respect Life Month. Small donations, if multiplied by many can total up to some amazing sums. With an effort as simple as sharing this story (and her link) you can make a huge difference - whether or not you choose to donate yourself. Above all, though, we ask for your prayers for this brave young family as they give powerful witness to what it truly means to 'walk the talk'...pro-life at its finest!
God bless!
A Mother's Love - there's nothing like it! |
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NOTE: Unbelievable! If you need more proof that Komen is just in it for the money, just read this. Susan G Komen has been suing other Cancer Charities (including childhood cancers) for simply using the words 'for a cure' in their fundraising efforts - even if it's not for breast cancer. Komen needs to learn the definition of 'charity' and stop bullying other worthwhile causes...they are even addressing using pink...come on! PINK is a color and they can't own it!.
SGK spends up to 1 MILLION dollars
per year
in legal fees to sue other charities!
So far, Komen has identified and filed legal trademark opposition against more thank a hundred of the Mom and Pop charities, including Kites for a Cure, Par for the Cure, Surfing for a Cure and Cupcakes for a Cure - and many of the organization are too small and underfunded to hold their ground. SHAMEFUL!
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Resources and Links:
- Medical Groups Recognizing Links Between BC and Abortion
I will be adding more links as I run across them...