I'm homeschooling littles and one of their favorite subjects is Bible Study. Our medium is a book/cassette combo that we play on a retro My First Sony cassette player left over from my bigs. Wee Sing offers a variety of cassette and book combos but this one is probably my favorite because each story is very brief, yet concise. They consist of 1) one page summarizing the story - including the corresponding Bible verse 2) a lovely picture 3) a short little song about the story and 4) a little prayer. So today we heard:
Baby Moses
Wee Sing Musical Bible and Sony |
Exodus 2
Look what the princess found in the river! She found a baby boy floating in a basket. She named him Moses. Some men wanted to kill the baby. God sent the princess to find the baby Moses and take care of him.
Silently sleep, baby, safely sleep, for God will take care of you...
Bible Verse
The Lord keeps watch over you. ~Psalm 121:8
My Prayer
Dear God, I love you.
I'm glad you love me,
too. I'm glad you take
good care of me.
Thank you!
After reading this, we prepared breakfast. A friend had just posted a new idea on Facebook and so we incorporated it into our lesson.
Moses Baskets
1 egg for each serving
1 slice bacon for each servine
Shredded cheddar
Spray a cupcake/muffin tin with Pam. Wrap bacon around the peremeter and cut off the excess to use in another tin. Scramble the number of eggs needed for the required servings and pour into tins. Sprinkle with shredded cheddar and add pepper to taste. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Using a butter knife, loosen and plate. Serve with fresh pear slices.
We decided that the bacon was the 'basket', the egg was Moses, and the shredded cheddar represented the reeds at the river's edge. What did you do for breakfast and school today? I'd love to hear and share!