Thursday, September 19, 2013

Must See Pro-Life, Pro-Adoption Video from "Kansas" Lead Singer

The pro-life movement is churning out wonderful media on a regular basis these days, but sometimes something so poignant, so powerful comes along that you simply must share it in every way possible. This video, by former 'Kansas' lead singer (think 'Dust in the Wind'), is so moving and gives his own pro-life testimony in such a profound way as to beg special attention.

Published on Sep 15, 2013

Former "Kansas" lead singer and producer John Elefante is using his newest single "This Time," to share the story of his adopted daughter's birth, and in the process, bring some attention to Online for Life (OFL), an educational non-profit working to rescue babies from abortion so they can live to make their mark on the world.

"I can't imagine life without my daughter, Sami, and it just breaks my heart that pregnant young women much like her birth mother, instead of choosing life for their babies, are denying them the chance to be born," Elefante said. "If our song can in any way bring attention to this issue and encourage those who are considering abortion to choose life through options such as adoption, then we couldn't be happier.

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