Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dead bodies, severed limbs, blood - Boston Marathon or Kermit Gosnell?

I noticed that a gruesome photo is making the rounds in my Facebook news feed - it shows one of the mangled competitors in the Boston Marathon after the bombs went off. His leg is gone from the knee down but there is a long portion of bone still attached and jutting out where his leg used to be. The same thing happened when, Kevin Ware, a Louisville basketball player, broke his leg during a tournament game recently. There were photos everywhere showing the bone sticking out about 6" from his flesh. These types of explicit photos were/are shown ad nauseam while we are held as a captive audience. These images simply can't be avoided if we persist in our day to day activity on social media.

When something like this – or 9-11 – happens there is a preoccupation with viewing it over and over again. There are constant counts and recounts of - deaths, injuries, spectators, shrapnel, and every other type of tally. It’s as if hearing the minutia of the event will somehow fix the gravity of the situation in our minds. Since we are consumers of the 24-hour news cycle - like a train wreck - we seem to be unable to look away. And so the media shows the same video clips over and over again, others post and we stare at countless pictures. And we somehow try to take in the horror of the current event du jour. 

While the sports injury in Louisville was an unfortunate accident, in Boston the carnage was the result of an act of willful terror. Of course our hearts go out to all victims but, when we are forced to ponder the inhumanity that allows such a willfully depraved act, we see the frightening proof of evil. We are left to wonder how such an act could have been perpetrated by a fellow human being. What motivates such willful destruction? What can be done about it? Where do we go from here? The questions are as numerous as the injuries and the people affected by them.

 And yet…
Kermit Gosnell

When we attempt to expose the grisly horror that is abortion we are called 'over the top'. Facebook censors our fan pages and walls. The pro-abortion crowd vehemently denounces our efforts. We are accused of forcing unwilling spectators to see something so unspeakably evil that it simply can’t be viewed. There, too, are counts and pictures and carnage and blood and severed limbs. In addition, there are ‘trophies’ - babies in freezers, parts in jars. For its part, the media stages a blackout and ignores what's going on in the squalid rooms of abortion mills. And yet the pro-life faithful don’t have to daily peruse the grim reality of a Kermit Gosnell to know that abortion is an act of terror of the highest degree in every.single.instance.

All of the components for news reporting are there: countless victims, cold-blooded perpetrators, and an act so unspeakably violent that we recoil in sheer horror at the enormity of it all. Yet, it goes largely unreported and therefore neatly tucked away in the darkness of the unspeakable. And there it thrives – because no one has to face the ugliness. Pro-life efforts to shine the light of truth on abortion are shoved into a corner where very few will see, ponder, and rise up to ask the same questions they do when any othere act of terror happens. How can such an act be perpetuated by fellow human beings? What motivates such willful destruction? What can be done about it? Where do we go from here? Here, too, the questions are as numerous as the deaths, injuries, and the people affected by them.

With the spotlight finally on an individual who committed such heinous acts, perhaps we will move into a position where the answers will come. The hand of the media has been forced by those of us who rose up and demanded coverage of the Gosnell trial via social media - Pro-Lifers flooded Twitter With 100s of #Gosnell Tweets per second last Friday. More such efforts are currently in the works so perhaps we will finally fill those empty media seats at the Gosnell trial. Now that we have gained momentum, we must forge ahead in exposing abortion as the child murder it is. Maybe we will bring these dark, sinister acts into the light for all to see. And once we are all forced to face what happens at the hands of monsters like Gosnell, maybe we will be able to find a way to end the violence of abortion – for the good of the victims and for the good of our society. 

Find me on Twitter - @tigribj  and retweet: 

Dead bodies everywhere, severed limbs, blood. #Boston? #Gosnell? 1 you'll see the other hidden. #prolife #prochoice http://bit.ly/13chptl


  1. I hadn't seen this image on FB Birgit, but I do see the irony and sadness in it. If only the world's eyes could be opened to the fact that abortions occur daily! Severed limbs, blood, death. And it's done by doctors, with the permission of the mothers and is legal. God forgive us!

    1. It took me completely by surprise when it kept popping up yesterday. As someone who is constantly trying to help people realize what is happening to millions of babies, it's frustrating when the media practices such self-imposed censorship of abortion while not being at all squeamish about showing other types of violence daily. God help our nation!

  2. Good point. I had to read the Grand Jury report. In the exhibits, there are pictures of Gosnell's ghoulish fetish- jar after jar of the severed feet of chilldren. And we will probably never know if, like those in boston, these children were alive when terror struck and severed their limbs. I wish I did not have to read that report, what he did to mainly poor and/or uneducated women (tanatamout to torture) and their children is the stuff nightmares are made of.

    And a quick note for any rabid pro-choicers that are being paid to make commmemts on articles like this, at least us intellectually honest pro choicers have the balls to say the truth, they are children.

    Every single person either is currently a child, or was a child. It is inescapeable.

    We may be able to take an egg and sperm and trap them in a petri-playpen until they unite and create a new person, but as of yet, we can't fast-forward and skip the agency of a woman's body, skip chiildhood & adolesence, and be adults from jump. Ergo all ARE or were children, it is as intellectually sensicle as that. So grow up.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Something that I would like to point out, however, is that we *do* know that at least some of these children were alive, born and breathing air before their spinal cords were severed. There are eyewitnesses to this. A larger point is that *all* unborn babies are alive. They are functioning humans with their own DNA and often a different blood type from their mother. The late term ones that Gosnell is on trial for killing were viable enough to survive and be adopted. Such a horrific mess!

  3. Brilliantly done, Birgit. Thank you for sharing this on the Catholic Bloggers Network....
    You hit one out of the park with this.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I just wish it didn't have to be about such a grizzly topic...the world needs to wake up!

  4. There is no reason for me to doubt that Gosnell' clinic is any different than any other abortion clinic including planned parenthood clinics all over the country. I believe they all kill the unborn and born and are all ghastly horror chambers. They just have not yet been caught. They can keep the truth from the public, but God knows and there is no where to hide when the time comes.

    1. Hopefully the Gosnell trial will bring this to light and all abortion mills will be exposed for the chambers of horror that they are!

    2. Birgit, yet again you hit it on the nail !


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