Friday, July 3, 2015

May Our Doubt Turn into Faith

“My Lord, and my God!”

Saint Thomas famously said those words when he was finally able to see the Risen Jesus for himself. As we celebrate this great martyr’s feast day, let us remember the words Jesus spoke right after Thomas’ exclamation of faith, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." John 20:24-29

It always amazes me when the daily Mass readings at a particular time are so relevant to current times. Earlier this week we read about Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:15-29) and today we are encouraged to live on faith. Hopefully, we are among those who believe – even though we have not seen. With the societal trending toward ungodly lifestyles, this becomes even more important to remember.

How does that translate into a useful message for our everyday life?

Sure, we attend Mass and believe in the Divine Presence (John 6:53-55). But how does that belief manifest itself into the world in which we live? Are we people of faith when it comes to standing up for what is right – even when it isn’t popular? If we are to be faithful followers of Christ, the answer should be a resounding yes!

How we deal with the trials and tribulations of our society illustrates our faithfulness. It isn’t enough to only pray, or only evangelize, or only witness. A faithful servant will do it all.

Faith in Action

I saw this faith in action today as I attended Mass at our local Cathedral. A friend of a friend had sent out a call to others – come join us at noon Mass today so that we can pray for our country. Mindful of the travesty of the Supreme Court decision (an invented legal right to homosexual ‘marriage’) she wanted to gather for prayer, in solidarity. The result was amazing!

The usually lightly attended daily Mass was filled with families, mothers with children, and older faithful. The vibrant echo of our united prayers resonated with faith – exclaiming our conviction of the sanctity of natural, sacramental marriage. Today we joined together to pray, evangelize, and witness to the family as God created it. It was a blessing to be with so many others whose faith took action.

Keep the Faith No Matter What

As the attacks on our religious freedom continue, it will become more and more difficult to swim against the tide. Yet having seen the many faithful who gathered today, I feel ready to put on the Armor of God and be faithful – no matter the cost.

As wonderfully encouraging as it was to be among such a large gathering, it is necessary to remember that we must stand for what is right, even if we wind up standing along. Of course, we won’t be alone at all, because God will be ever at the side of His faithful ones!

Go out to all the world and tell the Good News! Mark 16:15

And God almighty bless thee, and make thee to increase,
and multiply thee: that thou mayst be a multitude of people. 

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